Add Data Pipeline
Data pipelines help you to push the device data coming to cloud to be sent to various other platforms like mongo db, mysql, kafka,sftp for further analysis.
- Click on Data Pipeline from the main menu
- Select on the add button to create a new data pipeline
- A new pipeline creation form is displayed . Fill up a unique name to identify the pipeline across the project
- Select the device template which you want the data pipeline to be used for. All devices in this template will be sent to this data pipeline
- One can filter events by selecting a data pipeline rule if created. Only device data matching that rule will be sent to the data pipeline
- One can filter specific devices and not allow all devices of the same template to be reported to the data pipeline
- User can make the data pipeline active/inactive any point of time
- User then need to proceed to create the actions of the data pipeline
- One can select any of data target like Mongo, kafka topic or sftp destination
- Mongo selection would need to fill up the mongo uri to create a successfull entry
- For kafka one needs to fill all required fields along with securiy type and sasl mechanism
- For sftp one needs to add the correct credentials for the sftp server
- Mongo selection would need to fill up the mongo uri to create a successfull entry
- Once action or multiple actions are added one needs to click on the submit button to create the data pipeline